CSS coding style
Your project should conform to GDS CSS/Sass linting rules. These are published as a stylelint configuration: stylelint-config-gds.
Depending on your project needs, you may complement this initial set of rules with extra linting, for example:
- other stylelint plugins
- Prettier to enforce further code formatting conventions
Why: Linting ensures consistency in the codebase and picks up on well-known issues. Using an shared set of rules across GDS ensures familiar conventions from one project to another.
Stylelint is a widely used linter for CSS and CSS-like languages, like Sass. It focuses on checking code quality rather than code formatting. Its system of shareable configurations allows to share sets of rules to check your project against and plugins extends the rules it provides out of the box.
is a shareable config for Stylelint, providing the rules your code should follow, both for CSS and Sass files (each as separate configuration).
In addition to this shared set of rules, you can use extra stylelint plugins or add rules as needs arise during the life of your project. In that area, automatically fixable rules are especially cheap to try out, as the tools will take care of updating your code for you.
Prettier’s only preoccupation is with code formatting, not code quality. It can be used as a complement to Stylelint for further automated formatting, with much more advanced decisions in terms of indentation, spaces, or line breaks.
It runs as a separate command (npx prettier
) and the should be no conflicts between the Stylelint rules and the formatting of Prettier.
When to run linting
Running linting in CI ensures that all pull requests meet our code conventions before getting merged on the main
You should have this configured as part of your project.
Through pre-commit Git hooks
Waiting for CI to know if the code follows the convention can take a bit of time. A pre-commit Git hook allows to get quicker feedback, directly on developers’ machines. Errors that are automatically fixable can be fixed at that stage without human intervention, reducing the effort of linting for developers.
Tools like Husky and lint-staged can help consistently run linting before commit by respectively:
- setting up the hooks when dependencies get installed
- running linting on the files staged for commit and adding any fixes to the current commit
In editors
To get even quicker feedback, editor plugins can highlight issues while editing files. They can correct automatically fixable errors on save, saving further development effort.
Each of the tools previously listed has plugins to help integrate with editors:
Use soft tabs with a two space indent.
If you’re using Prettier, this will be set up for you. Otherwise, you may want to configure a .editorconfig
file accordingly.
Why: This follows the conventions used within our other projects.
The GOV.UK Design System spacing scale should be preferred before picking custom spacing values for your project.
If you do add custom values in your project, ensure the new values are consistent with the GOV.UK Design System spacing scale (ie. are pixel values in multiples of 5px
Use with deprecated libraries
If your project is not using the GOV.UK Design System, you should use pixel values in multiples of 5px
Use rem
units strategically
As a general rule, per Josh W. Comeau’s The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility:
When picking between pixels and rems, here’s the question you should be asking yourself: Should this value scale up as the user increases their browser’s default font size?
Use rem
units for font-size
wherever possible.
You should generally avoid using rem
for padding or border-width if these are likely to cause layout or readability issues when the font-size increases.
Vendor prefixing
When using CSS features which require vendor prefixes use autoprefixer.
You should configure autoprefixer to target our supported browsers.
Sass nesting
Sass nesting should be avoided where possible, with the exception of pseudo selectors and classes introduced by JavaScript.
While nesting can help readability and reduce repetition, over use can make searching for selectors difficult and can hide complicated CSS that should be simplified.
.accordion {
// styles when the accordion is not enhanced here
.js-enabled {
.accordion {
// styles when the accordion is enhanced here
&:focus {
// ...